Defective Ladders

Attorneys Helping Injured People on Cape Cod

Many people on Cape Cod own ladders to assist them with the completion of indoor and outdoor tasks. While people are generally mindful that they have to exercise a certain level of care when using ladders, they nonetheless expect them to be safe. Unfortunately, some manufacturers take shortcuts when developing their products and many ladders suffer from dangerous defects. Accidents involving ladders can lead to broken bones, internal bleeding, and other significant injuries that can be both painful and costly to treat. For those who have suffered injuries due to defective ladders, the assertive Cape Cod product liability attorneys of The Law Offices of John C. Manoog, III, can inform you of your potential claims and help you seek whatever compensation you may be owed under the law. Collectively, our lawyers possess more than one hundred and fifty years of experience representing people hurt by defective products, and our dedicated advocacy has allowed us to recover numerous multi-million dollar settlements and verdicts for our clients.

Ladder Defects that Lead to Harm

Defective ladders cause numerous accidents on Cape Cod each year. For example, loose rungs, faulty hinges, and weak materials can cause a ladder to buckle or collapse during attempted use. In some instances, a ladder will lack safeguards against slippage, and a person’s foot will slide off of a rung, causing a fall.

Inadequate warnings can also render a ladder unsafe. For example, if a warning is not placed where a user can easily observe it, it may go unread and therefore be ineffective. Or, if a warning does not specify a maximum weight limit for those ascending the ladder or advise them regarding how to safely use the ladder, it can lead to accidents.

Regardless of their cause, ladder accidents tend to cause significant injuries. For example, they often lead to traumatic brain injuries, fractures, spinal cord injuries, and strains and sprains.

Pursuing Claims for Harm Caused by a Defective Ladder

A ladder defect may arise during the design process. In other words, flaws in the design of a ladder may render it inherently unsafe for its intended purpose. In some instances, a ladder that is safe from a design standpoint ladder will be defective due to an error during the manufacturing process. Finally, a ladder may be defective due to the failure to warn of the risks associated with anticipated use.

People injured in accidents caused by defective ladders will usually seek damages in a product liability lawsuit against the entities that manufactured and distributed the ladders. A plaintiff in a product liability lawsuit will typically allege that a defendant should be strictly liable for the harm caused by a defective product. This means the plaintiff must establish that the product suffered from a flaw that rendered it unreasonably safe and that the flaw existed when the product left the care of the defendant. The plaintiff also has to prove that he or she suffered injuries due to the defect while using the ladder in the manner it was intended to be used. Notably, a plaintiff does not have to prove intent or negligence to recover under a strict liability claim.

A plaintiff may choose to assert other claims in addition to strict liability, like breach of warranty and negligence. As proving liability in a product defect case usually involves complicated issues, a plaintiff will typically need to retain an expert to explain how the product was defective and how it led to the plaintiff’s harm.

Speak to a Trusted Attorney on Cape Cod About Your Accident

If you were hurt in an accident caused by an unsafe ladder, you should talk to a lawyer about your right to pursue damages. The trusted attorneys of The Law Offices of John C. Manoog, III, are adept at helping people injured by unsafe items fight to hold the responsible parties liable. If you hire us, we will work tirelessly to help you seek just results. We proudly uphold a record of successful outcomes, including many damages awards over one million dollars. We regularly represent injured parties in product liability cases on Cape Cod. We are available for meetings at our offices in Plymouth and Hyannis. You can reach us at (888) 262-6664 or through the form online to schedule a meeting. Nós Falamos Português.

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