Common Car Accident Injuries

Cape Cod Lawyers Serving Car Crash Victims

Even ordinary collisions can result in serious or fatal injuries. For victims of these accidents and their families, it is important to consult an experienced lawyer to understand your legal rights and ensure that those responsible are held accountable. At the Law Offices of John C. Manoog III, our car crash attorneys represent individuals throughout Cape Cod and the surrounding areas who have been hurt in all types of highway collisions.

Accidents Often Cause Serious Harm

The injuries that a person may suffer in a car crash extend along a spectrum from bumps and bruises to tragic death. Some common consequences include damage to the victim’s brain, spine, back, neck, or face.

For example, traumatic brain injuries result in roughly 2.5 million emergency department visits in the U.S. each year. Caused by a blow to the head, a TBI can cause a mild concussion or extended periods of unconsciousness and amnesia. Likewise, an impact on the back or spine can be largely debilitating and may have permanent effects, such as spinal cord and disc damage. These injuries often make it difficult to work and earn a living. The impact of a car crash regularly causes facial harm when a driver or passenger collides with a steering wheel, dashboard, windshield, or shattered glass. This can cause bruising, broken bones, and significant scarring that may lead to psychological as well as physical harm.

Often hidden among physical injuries caused by an accident is the psychological toll of a crash. From stress over medical bills and missed work to grieving the loss of a loved one in a collision, the aftermath of this event may give rise to depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress.

Hold Negligent Drivers Accountable by Filing a Lawsuit

When you have been hurt by someone else’s careless actions, taking action to hold that person or entity liable can help you move on financially and emotionally from the crash. Often, a victim can use the legal theory of negligence to pursue compensation from a driver who was responsible for a car accident. This consists of proving four main elements:

  • The defendant driver owed the victim a duty of care;
  • The driver breached that duty with some careless action;
  • That action led to the accident in which the victim was hurt; and
  • The victim suffered quantifiable damages as a result of his or her injuries.

All Massachusetts motorists must operate their vehicles with reasonable care rather than needlessly endangering the safety of others on the road. This duty can be violated by countless types of careless or reckless conduct, such as running a red light, failing to yield at an intersection, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. To get compensation, however, a victim must show not just that the defendant acted negligently but that the accident would not have happened if the defendant had behaved as an ordinary driver would have behaved in the same circumstances. The crash also must have been a logical result of the defendant’s careless actions.

Damages available for victims who prevail in negligence claims may extend to medical expenses, missed wages, property damage to a vehicle, and non-economic harms such as the pain and suffering inflicted by the accident. Someone considering filing a lawsuit should keep in mind that Massachusetts law generally gives an injured person three years from the date of a crash to take legal action. The investigation required to identify who is at fault can be extensive, so it is important to seek the counsel of a knowledgeable attorney as soon as possible.

Attorneys Protecting the Rights of Injured Massachusetts Residents

If you have been harmed in a car accident, do not hesitate to enlist the help of the Massachusetts injury lawyers at the Law Offices of John C. Manoog III. Based in Hyannis, we will be happy to explore the details of your case in a free initial consultation. Our previous victories include a number of settlements in excess of $1 million for people hurt in motor vehicle accidents. Our attorneys are available to meet with you in the evening, over the weekend, and offsite at your convenience. Call us at (888) 262-6664 or contact us online, even if you are not sure whether you have a claim. Nós Falamos Português.

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